Synthetic Star Ruby & Star Sapphire

Star Ruby & Star Sapphire: Captivating Gems with a Celestial Sheen

Star Ruby & Star Sapphire are mesmerizing gemstones coveted for their unique asterism, a six-rayed star that shimmers across their surface when light hits them. Formed from the mineral corundum, these gems belong to the same family but differ in color. While rubies boast a captivating red hue, sapphires come in a spectrum of colors besides blue, including pink, yellow, orange, and green.

The Allure of Asterism

The star effect, also known as asterism, is caused by microscopic needle-like inclusions of rutile within the corundum. These inclusions act like tiny mirrors, reflecting light and creating the mesmerizing star that seems to float within the gem. The quality of the asterism is judged by its sharpness, centering, and completeness – a well-defined, six-rayed star positioned precisely in the middle of the stone is most desirable.

Star Ruby: A Rare Celestial Gem

Star rubies are exceptionally rare, even more so than their sapphire counterparts. The presence of chromium, the element that gives rubies their red color, can limit their size. A true Star Ruby displays a distinct red hue with a visible star, and even pinkish or purplish stones with a hint of red qualify as Star Rubies.

Star Sapphire: A Kaleidoscope of Colors

Star sapphires come in a wider variety of colors compared to Star Rubies. Deep blues are coveted, but other colors like green, yellow, and even pink can exhibit a captivating asterism. These colored Star Sapphires are known as Fancy Star Sapphires and can be just as valuable as their blue counterparts, depending on the intensity and rarity of the color.

We meticulously evaluate each gem’s asterism, ensuring a sharp, well-centered star. Additionally, we prioritize clarity and cut, guaranteeing a brilliant play of light that maximizes the gem’s fire and brilliance.

Beyond the technical aspects, our gemologists understand the emotional connection people have with gemstones. We will work with you to find a Star Ruby or Star Sapphire that resonates with your style and captures the essence you desire.

A high-quality star diamond should have a rich, saturated color with few or no subsidiary tints or nuances. High openness, highly valued in traditional stones, produces a poor star, hence good star rubies and sapphires are always semi-opaque. The star should be crisp and almost brilliant, with exactly straight rays. Star rubies and sapphires are usually cut as cabochons, which is the only way to release the optical effect within. The star should also be visible when exposed to artificial light; if you have to grasp the stone this way and enjoy it, it is insufficient.

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